Age: Pre-High School

Group Description: In this group swimmers refine the skills developed as part of a learn-to-swim or pre-competitive program, and are introduced to competitive training principles. In this group swimmers will be working on improving their stroke technique, improving their starts, learning about swimming rules, learning to use the pace clock, learning about intervals, and working on attaining National B time standards (10&under age group). Swimmers that have no previous meet or swim team experience will also be placed in this group.

Coaches look for:

  • Swimmers must be able to legally swim 25 yards of each stroke

  • Perform open and flip turns

  • Perform a shallow dive

  • Be able to swim 50 yards of Freestyle with good technique.

Practice Attendance: 6 practices per week offered. 2 practices/week is required.

Meet Attendance: Attendance of swim meets is strongly encouraged.

Practice Duration: 60 minutes

Please click HERE for IMX/IMR information.

Please click HERE for Motivational Time Standards.

Please click HERE for the required equipment list for all groups.